Comfort And Blessing  

I prayed first before making my commitment to Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry. I had a feeling the Lord was saying to me “yes, you need this!”

As I arrived at the Fortress, I felt great peace. My session began and I was asked to read a prayer. Immediately uncontrollable tears began to flow. The release of all I had been holding deeply inside since childhood, from very dark times in my life began to be released. Going through emotions through prayer, I began to see through visions all the rooted lies, and shameful experiences, and it ALL came off of me. Speaking and renouncing, dark is now replaced by light which is now my new identity. Confirmation through visions, and scriptures interjected through out my NG2NP sessions.


My Narrow Gate facilitators were there to navigate me through the whole experience led by the Holy Spirit. They were very focused and spirit-led as they patiently assisted me in confronting things I hadn’t ever confessed. There were times when I couldn’t speak out and renounce my pain from my past issues and lies, but together we came to the truth of God’s Word for me. Visions of comfort and blessing over took my sessions and the Holy Spirit no doubt was there to walk along side as we weathered the storm. In the end tears freely flowed because I know…God has been with me the whole time.. from the beginning, He has always loved me, and He has always had a plan for my life.

My NG2NP After-Care team keep me encouraged and help me to not ever give up and feel safe to ask for prayer when I need it. I truly feel grounded, peaceful, loved, and full of the Spirit of God. I’m determined to live my life for all Christ has done for me.

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry is AMAZING. It also was exactly what I needed to do to be completely free. I know God led me to be open and repentant. I needed to expose the darkness and to cut off soul ties of all kinds. I absolutely believe Holy Spirit has cleared my path to walk in power with all Kingdom Authority. Today I shine brighter, I am free and I will share the Good News of the Gospel and my testimony because He, Jesus shines through me. I am an atmosphere changer and I will SAY IT LIKE I MEAN IT.

Broken Chains

Today I am free and I KNOW IT!

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry has enabled me to find more freedom than I ever knew was possible. The enemy had me bound with lies that I believed along with physical pain. Today all of those chains that I carried, have been broken and the pain that I knew so well has all but vanished. I feel like a new person. I walk more sure of myself and my eyes are open because of NG2NP.

My relationship with the Holy Spirit has become “fresh!” I wasn’t aware of what was holding me up, but today I know and I am thanking God.

My NG2NP facilitators were very real and they were relatable to me during my sessions. They made sure that I was completely comfortable and they instilled in me the fact that they were not judging me and I had no reason to fear. They guided me every step of the way.

My NG2NP After-Care Team are wonderful!! They remind me daily to continue my affirmations and I know I am truly valued because of their encouragement. My understanding and acceptance of who I am in Christ has grown as well as my understanding of God’s Word.

I believe my purpose in the Kingdom of God will become more clear as the days pass and I will fulfill my anointing! I do not need to know how, I just need to keep myself in step with the Holy Spirit!

I absolutely recommend NG2NP. We all have issues from our past. In order for those issues to be dealt with and handled, you need Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry. I LOVED my ministry experience! I feel like a completely new person and I am relishing my experience!

Thank you Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry! I am excited for what comes next.

Drawing Closer to God 

I decided to do Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry because I felt like some things from my past were holding me back from my faith walk. I felt like I was “stuck.”

I wanted to discover and have revealed, those things, shed them and receive my healing so I could grow closer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

My experience was easier than I thought it would be. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to hear from Holy Spirit or, if I would be able to remember a lot from my past. But, the Holy Spirit led me through it gracefully as I shed these strongholds. I began to feel lighter and more at peace with every session. My NG2NP facilitators absolutely led me as the Holy Spirit moved through me, to reveal things. They were patient and relatable. After the first day I felt more at peace. By the last day, I felt empowered!

By the end of my NG2NP sessions, I felt a surge of energy and empowerment that helped me stay strong and committed to my faith walk. Learning different tools and prayers during my Narrow Gate time, are things you take with me to use forever.

I highly recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry to any and every Christian. Not just for people with tragedy and heartbreak , but because everyone will benefit from this wonderful ministry. I am so thankful for it.

God’s Perfect Timing

I thought I was going through “the Gate” for one thing, but in retrospect, realized it was something totally different.

I cannot say enough good things about Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministries. When I walked in the door, I knew it was going to be good. I felt an instant bond with my facilitattors. “The Fortress” is an amazing place where I always felt safe and never judged.

To say that God is Timely is an understatement. I am actually giving this testimony a little later than what is usual for the program because of circumstances that happened within a week of me leaving there. My testimony is one that speaks of the fruit of going through the NG2NP program. Let me try to explain briefly.

I came home from the program on a Sunday. Much of my healing had to do with childhood trauma that unfortunately had a lot to do with my dad. My dad passed away the following Thursday. I spent all day on Wednesday with him. I spent the day taking him to the doctor and running some errands. We ran to the grocery store and had lunch. I took him home, got him settled in and left. I remember when I left, I noted how hard he hugged me and what a great day we had. Prior to going through NG2NP, that day and hug, would have been typically, very uncomfortable. My dad and I loved each other very much, but didn't really get along . However, because of what Jesus accomplished in my heart during my NG sessions, it instead, was a day of easy conversation and genuine happiness. My dad received a glowing review at the doctor's appointment after having gone through covid pneumonia. I was so happy for him and proud he had made some life decisions and I told him how happy I was for him.

When I tell you that God's timing was perfect, well, that really is an understatement.

The next day, the Lord called my dad's name and took him home.

Because of NG2NP ministries and the wonderful follow-up care, I have been able to walk thru the last month of fire, and I don't even smell like smoke!!

I cannot tell you how thankful I am for this ministry and how thankful I am that I had the privilege of being able to go through it. Things could have and would have been very different had the Lord not led me to NG2NP.

He prepared me for what was coming and he used the best people! They carry the heart of Jesus and meet you right where you are!

This One Belongs To Me

I was a very broken man with a lot of very deep hurts. Inner healing helped me deal with a memory and release it to Jesus. Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry gave me the deep cleaning to my heart and spirit that I so desperately needed. My life was filled with so much doubt of who I was in Christ.

There came a point in my life where unbelief and lies from the enemy had become truth. But GOD…stepped in and said “NOT THIS ONE, he belongs to Me!!”

The ministry of Narrow Gate helped me see and understand who I am in Jesus Christ and that GOD truly loves me. I have a great desire to know Jesus more.

Relationships with my family are changing every day. I am so glad God gave me the courage to go through “the Gate” and to walk the Narrow Path with the Holy Spirit as my guide. I am so grateful for the loving relationship I have with my wife, every relationship I have now is much better. Even my relationship with the Word of God. Reading scripture and journaling has come alive! I can feel the presence of God ALL THE TIME now.

My facilitators took me on a journey with the Holy Spirit of healing and restoration, helping me see that I am truly loved by God. My NG After - Care and my affirmations have helped me to see that even though I have been a Christian for years, I didn’t really know who I was in Christ and that was weighing me down.

I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time, I feel free of all the things that burdened me and held me captive. Today I am more confident and I have a deeper relationship with God.

Wild Love

It was a spiritual fight for me to get to Narrow Gate.

The enemy did not want me free. My flesh did not want to be free, it wanted to hold on to the “familiar.” My spirit knew that the right way was to move forward towards the future, fully consecrated to God, the unknown.

Like the loving Father God is, He lovingly led me to & through “the Gate” and I am no longer the same. He spoke to me through Psalms 45:10-11 “ Now listen daughter, pay attention, and forget about your past. Put behind you every attachment to the familiar, even those who were once close to you, for your royal Bridegroom is ravished by your beautiful brightness. Bow in reverence before Him, for He is your Lord!”

During my NG2NP sessions I literally felt something that had been tied to me become loosed. I believe it was years of the “familiar,” familiar spirits - every dysfunction, every curse & evil stronghold that was keeping me from stepping into the future God had planned for me since the beginning of time. My Narrow Gate facilitators were easily relatable, they made me feel at ease from the beginning. They molded transparency & vulnerability which helped me to feel comfortable with the process. Narrow Gate is an excellent ministry. I have never felt more loved before. God’s presence was so tangible and strong, I felt light as a feather after the completion of my sessions. My NG2NP After-Care facilitators have been great in gently reminding me to say my affirmations. They have been so vital in deepening my beliefs and true identity that were established in my sessions.

I am now FREE. Free from rage, insecurity, low self-esteem, & unholy soul-ties. I FEEL free, light as a feather and ready to step into my unknown adventure thatGod has predestined for me.

I would absolutely recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry. There are experiences we all go through in our lives that have a hold on us and weigh us down preventing us from walking in the freedom needed to carry out the plan God has for us. NG2NP helps break the ties to our past hurts and helps us to experience His full freedom through the Holy Spirit.

Through The Eyes Of Christ

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry has allowed me to see patterns and profiles imbedded deep within me. Patterns of past hurts and pain. This ministry has given me the ability to see things from outside of “my box.” I became a victim of lies from the enemy of my soul. These lies promised to protect me, they told me my bad behavior was normal or not bad.

The Gate’s process of prophetic questions and prayer, allowed me to see through the Holy Spirit, exposing areas of hurts, and opening the door to ministry directed to that hurt. The results were PHYSICAL HEALING. The hurts that afflicted me produced anger and a lack of patcience with people in general in my life. I was angry and miserable at times. NG2NP is where I found freedom from that. It gave me the tools I needed to continue to work on the areas that had became rooted belief patterns in my life. Today I feel more grace and mercy when dealing with others and I find my understanding has deepened along with greater sensitivity.I see through the eyes of Christ.

My Narrow Gate facilitators were relatable and free of judgement which made my experience of flowing with Holy Spirit so easy. He was truly in the middle of every session. My NG2NP After Care team has assisted me by walking beside me to continue my process of daily showing me my new “outside of the box” patterns and bring me more understanding. Also Ive noticed I’m more intentional in my scriptural reading of the Word of God.

In a word, I think this ministry is AWESOME. It has given me vision to work on areas that I will continue to work on. Narrow Gate has highlighted hidden places in me that needed exposure and it gave me the opportunity to receive and continue to receive healing as Jesus promises. The Lord healed me not only emotionally, but physically too in two area of my life that have been a struggle for years, I have truly found, His great peace beside the river.

Hearing God’s Guidance

Before going through “the Gate,” I was oppressed with anger towards God, the church, and men.

I lived life through the lens of victimhood and thought everyone was out to hurt me or leave me. I put my identity in performance for most of my life and deeply hated myself, down to my hair color.

After going through Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry, I felt the heaviness and darkness finally lift off me through the breaking off of generational curses that ran back, literally, thousands of years.

My relationship with God has transformed. I don’t see Him as a religious authority who loves me based on performance but as a loving compassionate Father who has walked with me since before, I was even born.

I’ve learned how to take intrusive thoughts captive and how to hear God’s guidance in my daily life.

My marriage has improved in our communication, and I feel so much more at peace. Joy is finally in me again.

My personal relationships have improved! Responding so much more slowly, I am learning how to let the Holy Spirit lead when conversations could get heated. Today the Holy Spirit is so much more a part of my day and my life. So many new things have been revealed to me through scripture.

NG2NP After Care has been helpful with tips to stay on track and have kept me in check as I continue to renew my mind.

I would encourage and recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry! You will find freedom from oppression, and you will see the world in a whole new way.

Worth Every Drop Of His Blood

When I went “through the Gate,” I had no idea what to expect.

When I walked in, I carried so much baggage and the weight of the world on my shoulders, but, JESUS helped me let it all go.

I had people from my past shackled to my feet. I gave it all to Him, and I received an overwhelming sense of peace. As I was letting go of my tremendous past insecurities, the lights flickered and a picture fell from the wall and broke! Seeing this visually, has helped me realize that my chains were completely broken off ! What an amazing feeling knowing the weight holding me down is gone forever! This experience has made me see and know deeply that I am good enough for Jesus!

I know today that I am worth every drop of blood He shed for me and that IS POWERFUL! This new understanding has given me a heart of gratitude that I’ve never before experienced.

Another absolutely supernatural miraculous thing happened; when I was younger a diagnosis of scoliosis was spoken over me, countless times. A curve in my spine was visible, it caused me A LOT of pain. After NG2NP Ministry, I noticed that I felt different! I looked in the mirror and began to weep. Jesus had healed my back!!! It’s completely STRAIGHT!!! And, THE PAIN IS GONE!!! Now, I walk a little taller, and I sit a little straighter because my posture has changed!!! When I look at my back, I still get moved to tears, it’s a daily reminder of how much Jesus loves me!!

One more beautiful change, when I look in the mirror, knowing that God thinks I’m beautiful, it makes my eyes sparkle with appreciation. “You are all together beautiful my darling; there is no flaws in you!! Song of Songs 4:7

Jesus thinks and says that I am beautiful, and my heart feels full!!

Since my NG2NP experience, I find I’m living my life with a grateful heart. My outlook towards others has changed and I find I have more compassion and understanding. Also, I have more of a desire to read God’s Word and knowing verses gives me a greater sense of peace. I read my NG affirmations daily and they remind me how much God loves me and that He is proud of me.

If someone asked me about Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry, I would say “yes, I do recommend NG2NP, because Jesus truly saves.”

Evil Can’t Touch Me

Since signing up for Narrow Gate Ministry; the onslaught of attacks have been constant, yet, a real peace over takes anxiety. There are real dark forces, but the Holy Spirit is the victor and they know it!

“I am born of God evil cannot touch me!"

NG2NP has freed me from core beliefs deep within and brought truth that replaced the void space left behind when the lies left me. It has broken curses.

I sense the closeness with the Trinity of God and I have a deeper more intimate, personal relationship with Holy Spirit FIRST, then with my wife, my children, and then friends and acquaintances. Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry has taught me that forgiveness truly is KEY! It has also brought a true care for others, and has shown me a real need to tell others about understanding this truth.

A shift in my heart has definitely occurred! I know and hear more clearly from the Holy Spirit, a deeper understanding of our relationship. I have a deeper sense of peace, knowing God truly is in control. No striving or reacting, but responding to God’s Word.

My NG2NP facilitators were relational. With testimonies and instruction, I felt very comfortable. Our spirits were in unity by showing and sharing. Their testimonies let me know I was not alone.

My biggest take away from my NG experience, is the revealing of my True Identity in Christ. This identity formed by God before the foundation of the earth is who I am in Christ.

My Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path experience was truly a blessing. To be in a peaceful, Spirit-filled, safe place, I was able to open up as well as decree and declare over my life. I would tell anyone interested, pray and ask Holy Spirit His desire for them regarding this ministry. I would tell them, fast and pray, and then I would share my testimony… “I am beloved, His Beloved!”

I did not know what my relationship with God could have been. Until I understood what prayer was, and, who the Holy Spirit is, did I understand how the two work together in my life.

After my Narrow Gate sessions, I FEEL the power of God’s Word that has transformed my life. I’ve learned how to truly pray. I have greater faith that He hears me, and greater faith knowing I can call on The Holy Spirit to manifest the power of Jesus through His Word!

My Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path ministers spoke encouragement over me along with prayers and instruction. They helped me see myself as my Father sees me, and, they taught me how to speak over myself as I pray to God and then He speaks through His Word to me! They gave me specific scriptures about my life. Daily scriptures from my NG2NP After-Care minister confirmed the very words that I read in my time with Holy Spirit.

This ministry has transformed my view of the Holy Spirit and the power of prayer. I feel equipped and empowered now to combat temptation and sin. I have a true hunger for the Word of God.

I recommend NG2NP. You will experience God. Just trust me, this will change you and deepen that connection with Him

I no longer feel lost to sin. I don’t feel hopeless. I am a son of God! There IS power in the shed blood of Jesus and that blood covers me.


I Have Hope!!

Changed My Life

Gosh!! Where do I start? First of all THANK YOU!

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry has been a true blessing! Not only to me, but to my entire family! Before going through NG2NP I was in a bad place. I did not want to believe anything positive or good about myself. I knew the Lord and I was “selective” with what I chose to believe. Meaning, I never fully gave up situations to Him, or never allowed myself to believe what HE thinks of me. I allowed ALL the negative stress, anxiety, and hate, to live in my heart. I always felt I could solve things. Narrow Gate has allowed me to understand so much of myself. My identity in Christ, a deeper desire to have a relationship with Jesus!! Its allowed me to gain so much freedom. I thought I could never be changed because this was just my life and feelings. Boy!! Was I wrong! I had to surrender that and for the first time I was honest with myself of so much I was holding onto. I struggled to please everyone, and I don’t feel that burden anymore. I don’t look for happiness in striving or perfection anymore.

Today, I know who I am, and what I’m called to do is to please God, because I am leaning on Him in my times of need, I never truly did that.

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry is unexplainable, really, It’s amazing. I know people always say “if I can do it, anyone can” but even after booking my dates, and literally days before, I thought “ I’m not going to be able to get through this,” but, Holy Spirit lovingly guided me into surrendering myself and He did a beautiful work in me. A work I have allowed in and through me, everyday since.

My NG2NP team were so awesome!! I was so nervous not knowing what to expect! It went so smoothly. I thought I would be a wreck, but Holy Spirit beside me helped me to walk through most things so peacefully! My co-facilitator from my similar cultural background, understood my upbringing which brought me a sense of comfort when trying to explain things, she helped it make sense. I am so grateful for my NG After-Care team. They give me the “push-start” in the morning to renew my mind, and at night the same thing. It reminds me daily of my walk through the “Gate” and that when the day is done, it holds no place in my heart.

Most importantly, I have a deeper desire now, to read God’s Word. I listen as my Father speaks to me, processing without my own ideas of what I want it to say. Also, I see myself responding to situations, NOT reacting, taking time to allow Jesus in all my situations first!

Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path ministry has changed my life. If you truly open up and allow the Holy Spirit in, HE WILL WORK IN YOU and bring you peace.

The Presence Of God

MAN!!! There is only one way to describe my Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path sessions. AMAZING!!! I have gone through other types of Inner Healing before. But, this was different! I truly felt the presence of God while walking through some stuff. I never knew why I was so angry & upset. I have been walking with the Lord for sometime, but God showed me that I had anger and hatred towards myself. He showed me where it was from & helped me get past it, and, took it from me in that very moment! God showed me many other things that were hindering me from being closer to Him!

My NG2NP facilitators were definitely led by the Holy Spirit. They really helped me to understand what was going on and where things were coming from. My NG2NP After Care has helped me daily as I renew my mind.

Since my sessions, Ive let go of my old ways and no longer come into alignment with negative thoughts and actions. I know if it is not of God & He calls me to more!

I strongly recommend NG2NP to everybody. You may think you're okay, But GOD has more for you, you have to do it! Why only run at half of your potential? Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry is one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself, my mental and spiritual health. Don’t sell yourself short.

Give it a shot!

Spiritual Surgery

Peace that passes understanding….

I have always prayed for the Lord’s peace over me and in me, but it never seemed to be there. I was ready for the Holy Spirit to do spiritual surgery. He tugged at my heart to go through “the Gate.”

My facilitators were so compassionate. They created a safe environment so that the Holy Spirit could take over and HE DID! I felt peace from the beginning to the end of my sessions. Generational sins and people that I had not forgiven were affecting my relationship with the Lord. I was set free from the curses spoken over my life since I was in my Mother’s womb. It was as if a cleansing or purifying took place and God’s peace filled me. I came thirsty for His living water.

My NG2NP After -Care facilitators provide such an important service as they keep me accountable as I continue in my 40 days with my affirmations, and BEYOND! I will continue with my True Identity and Godly Beliefs as part of my quiet time with The Lord!

I believe I have shifted to my next level in Christ. The Word is more alive in my heart. More PEACE and more Clarity! I literally hear the voice of my Heavenly Father louder than before!

My new passion after my NG2NP experience is to see more believers go through “The Gate!” My overall experience was excellent, my whole countenance has changed. I am walking in peace and joy because of Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry!!! Thank YOU Jesus! I recommend NG2NP to all who want to get to the next level with God. Go through the Gate, you will never be the same.


What can I say?

There really is no way to describe Narrow Gate in a way that would do it the justice it deserves. It’s not something you can fake. It is only possible because of the freedom GOD brings through the process. It’s absolutely worth it! It almost feels like a complete “re-set.” Even if you have a moment where you want to respond the way you once did before NG2NP, you literally rebound back to the Lord where you should be in the Holy Spirit, but so much faster!

My NG2NP facilitators were great. It was really good to have guys who have been in and around ministry a long time. It was super helpful because they understood where I was coming from, but still brought me back to the Lord. My NG2NP After-Care facilitators also have and continue to do, a great job. They remind me to keep up with my affirmations. They daily send me encouraging words and scripture.

They are all great!

The peace and freedom that I experienced going through Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry is “breathtaking!” It is not a magic pill, but it is a way that has affected how I live my life. Honestly, it has changed every area of my life. Once you taste the freedom that GOD truly desires for you, you won’t ever want to go back! Narrow Gate is a great way to re-set yourself no matter what level of experience or maturity you are with Holy Spirit. This ministry truly allows God into areas of your life where He can bring you freedom you didn’t know you needed.

It changes A LOT of things.

Free Of Clutter

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Praise God He gives wisdom & community. Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry walked me through all the lies I thought about myself, all the “i’m wired differently, that’s just who I am” and “I am” ______ fill in the blank. 30 years of accepting the enemies lies, my momma, my granny, were ___. “So am I” identities are GONE! I am now free to walk in who God always intended for me to be! Free from clutter and all the generational baggage that kept me from seeing myself and Jesus clearly.

I am setting a new GLORY inheritance for my children! I am walking in freedom, peace, and a calm steadiness I never knew before. I have a new “lightness” about me. I am free to see through Christ’s eyes and walk in the path He laid before me. My desires are more in line with God’s, but even more, I can now give Him control in situations Iv’e never really been able to let go of. I have His peace and it’s beautiful. For the first time my focus is right and I have changed.

My NG2NP Facilitators were warm, honest and confident. I appreciate that my sessions were more conversational than I expected. They balance well addressing issues without making it personally condemning. TRULY “ love the sinner, hate the sin” in action. My sessions were beautiful, well executed and thorough. My NG2NP After-Care ministers are amazing. Honestly I didn’t think I needed them, but I love the community and I have definitely needed the accountability, more than a couple times.

If I were to reccomend NG2NP to someone, I would say. Do what they ask, read the book of Ephesians, read the website and PRAY!. I’d also tell them, we truly don’t realize the impact and weight of generational sin. We limit inheritance to material things, but the spiritual realm has an inheritance too.

I GET To Be With HIM 

I have known the Lord for many years.

I was saved as a child at roughly 9years old and have gone through the "rededication" back and forth many times in my life. I grew up in a "Christian" household with parents that had just recently given their lives to the Lord and were figuring out what that looked like. I was in church most Sundays and went to Christian School most of my life. I've heard all the "churchisms" and know the typical things you hear and do as part of the congregation. I had become almost numb to it. I got to a place in my life when I wasn't outright turning from my faith, I still thought I was following the Lord but it became so mundane that I didn't realize how far at the bottom of my priority list I had put Him. He was last, and my life reflected it.

I was desperate for change. I am a wife, a mom of three little girls, a daughter, a friend, a sister, and the list goes on. I am BUSY and distracted and that was right where the enemy wanted me. I got to a place where I could not see straight and I did not even recognize my own mind. I felt like I had a front row seat to someone else's thoughts and it was scaring me to a point I needed relief. I reached out for help, and had been encouraged to do inner healing for years, but Iwasn't ready. Now I was. The Lord made a way, I was sitting in the chair across from my facilitators and I had no clue how badly I needed healing, deliverance and time with the Lord.

I heard the term "generational curses" many times and knew the gist of what that meant. I knew my family background was messy and there were many common themes. What I did NOT know was how much that was affecting me presently. The strength and the authority of my facilitators made me confident and comfortable and we began working hard to break agreement with the long list of lies I believed.

Since then, I truly believe my eves were renewed. It feels like Im' looking out of difference lenses. The thoughts that were drowning me, have been silenced and the burdens I have been lugging behind me have been released. Identity in Christ has been something that has continued show up regularly since I left “the Fortress.” It has been so prevalent and every time something else comes along to remind me who of l am and WHOS' I am, I just smile and rest in those moments knowing that the Holy Spirit is solidifying that and that I am not disqualified from hearing from Him.

It is now a JOY to stop the busy and spend time with the Lord. tI doesn't feel like something I have to do, yet something I GET to do. I was so sure this was another thing that may work for this person or that person, but I was exempt. It could not help me. The thoughts that kept swirling in my head “Iv' e done counseling, and it isn't that helpful, how would this be any different?"

WOW!! I'm so glad I did not let the enemies lies stop me. Iwas so wrong. This isn't counseling. It Is meeting with the Lord. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and taking the time to allow Him to guide and it is powerful and life changing.

I am SO grateful for Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry and my facilitators interceding on my behalf. My life is changed and I cannot WAIT to see what the Lord has in store for my family and me.

Truly Delivered

I’ve been through several in-depth, inner healing processes and sessions before. I’ve declared things, I’ve said the prayers. I’ve seen Jesus in the tough childhood memories. I know I’ve been marked by past inner healing journeys. I knew where my fear of failure came from. I knew the anger I carried inside was generational. I could tell you where my biggest struggles came from and how they got there. Yet my reality was still full of fear, anxiety, stress and anger. My marriage and relationships were not full because of my own woundedness. Though I could have sworn it was everyone else’s issues but mine. I was STUCK. But I was also desperate and willing to get rid of these things because it was keeping me paralyzed not able to do the things GOD wanted me to do. I couldn’t fulfill His plans for my life if I was terrified of the future, of man, and of failing. I was trapped in hiddenness when it came to these struggles because I was believing my own lies that said “You can’t be weak and vulnerable, you can’t share your struggles, if you can’t overcome them, people will look at you differently.” But all these life experiences and previous inner healings led me to Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry to complete the work once and for all.

The Holy Spirit had full reign. When He exposed something that needed to be broken, it was indefinitely broken, there was no doubt or question this time. My facilitators were prophetic voices and safe havens. They really make you feel safe and secure in your vulnerability, which again was a huge struggle before. My facilitators were wide open vessels to the Holy Spirit they were intentional and present the whole way through. I felt heard and valued. The Holy Spirit was in every detail of my NG2NP process.


Since my session, my relationship with the Lord is completely renewed. I’m rediscovering Him and myself in HIM. I’m relearning how to hear from a healed perspective and not a wounded one. I do not exaggerate in the reality that I feel like a child with Him. The place I should have been all along. I love my marriage and my relationships and I an excited to see how Jesus will use me, I’m excited to live in wholeness, authority, abundance and the fear of God. No one can take away what Ive been given! I am truly the one who the Son has set free, I am free indeed!!!

        I Want The New

Like many, if not most, men I was skeptical about participating the NG2NP inner healing process thinking that that’s for women and all their touchy-feely stuff- oh boo-hoo.

After all I know things; I have advanced degrees in mental health and a Ph.D. in psychology! I’m fine just the way I am. And I have had a lot of therapy. So there! Man, Was I wrong!

For the most part I was a very happy guy. I have a great wife and marriage. My life is exciting and fulfilling. However, there was something that just wasn’t right. So, I began asking myself some questions: Why do I feel fearful? Why do other people’s behaviors or comments trigger an angry response within me? Why do bad memories from long ago keep appearing in my dreams? Why can’t I relax? Even though I believed that I dealt with everything from the past, something wasn’t right. I couldn’t figure it out.I strongly believe in letting go of stuff from the past such as childhood trauma;

I thought the past is the past; let it go! I’m Good. But obviously there were things from the past that wouldn’t let go of me as evidenced by recurring disturbing dreams, guilt and remorse and events long ago that in my mind, had been completely resolved.

Then a short time later I came across 2 COR 5:17: “…therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come.” Okay God! Where’s the new? I want the new! All of it! So, with that realization and numerous coffee talks with my wife about what I was dealing with, she suggested, again, that I consider NG2NP. The good news, no, the GREAT news is I took my wife’s suggestion, talked with the facilitators,and made a reservation.

A few weeks later it was my time to go. I went with excitement, anticipation, and the expectation that I would finally get answers and resolution and most importantly be able to leave my history behind me and fully step into my destiny. The weekend experience exceeded my expectations. It was unlike any therapy sessions I’d ever had. In fact, it wasn’t therapy at all. It was a spiritual encounter with God facilitated by two humble and anointed servants who were led by the Holy Spirit where I discovered the few remaining broken pieces of me.

It’s been about two weeks since that amazing weekend. Here’s my brief summary of then and now: My issue with fear is essentially gone. Fear is not biblical. I now understand how the enemy was using fear against me. No more fear. I’m free in Jesus. I’m learning how to relax. The enemy has kept me distracted with busyness. No more restlessness. I’m content to rest with Jesus. During the weekend I remembered a long-forgotten church hurt and resentment caused by my pastor that happened to me years ago when I was age 18. No more resentment.

Forgiven and Freedom. Boo Hooing is healthy. Healing comes with the tears. “Jesus wept.”-John 11:35

There’s much more than space permits. Deciding to go to the NG2NP weekend was a phenomenal life changing experience full of revelation, healing, and gave me the rest of the “new” that I was seeking in COR 5:17.

Before going through Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry I was struggling to understand who Christ was in me and what it really meant to have the joy of the Lord in my life. I would worship in sorrow, always remembering my past sin. Continuing to come to church, before the Lord, with all the weight of my guilt, shame, rebellion, and anger. I would pour it all out at the altar and leave with it, again and again. I knew I needed more, but felt I needed to “do” more to purchase my forgiveness. I felt condemned. I didn’t know what to do but follow the patterns I experienced growing up. Thoughts of death plagued me. Medications to numb my pain, I couldn’t escape the depression I felt. My identity was lost in lies.

Through my NG2NP experience, I was finally able to actually see where I had placed my identity. I believed and followed right along with generational patterns and behaviors of double mindedness and anger. As I began to pray and confess with my mouth exactly what the Word of God says about who I am, I absolutely began to feel delivered. Delivered from the years of guilt and shame I carried.

After my Narrow Gate sessions, my mind for the first time, stop racing. I am finally living in the present. My prayers are consistent and form a weapon. No longer in the form of begging and crying. Amazingly, reading my bible actually makes sense and has a new clarity. Recently I was able to confront my past with a sound mind and peace. Now freedom in Christ is my stance. My worship has changed as well, from mourning to dancing and my sorrow to pure joy at my identity in Christ.

I love this ministry! I find it very important for those who are honestly trying to break free from the bondages of sin and death from the past. Those who are desperate to find their purpose in Him. I pray over this ministry and its ministers and I hope to one day become part of it so we can help others to overcome all the lies, so we all can step into our calling in Jesus Christ.

Arriving at “The Fortress,” I was greeted at the door and I instantly felt like I was home. My NG2NP team is so welcoming and I felt the anointing of God from beginning to end. My NG2NP ministry team humbly testified and gave praises to God for all He has done and that made me feel comfortable so I could open up to the leading of the Holy Spirit.My NG2NP After-Care has been life changing. Through texts, I receive scriptures and reminders for my affirmations and renewal of my mind. The last 3 all aligned with exactly what Holy Spirit was saying to me or a dream I had just had. Powerful! I KNOW there is unity in the Spirit of God.

I highly recommend Narrow Gate 2 Narrow Path Ministry to anyone like me who needs to break free from lies, false identity, deception and all that comes from the enemy about who Jesus is, the price He paid for us, and who we are in Him. NG2NP is the perfect place to get rid of the garbage of the past and step into their new found freedom in Christ!